Saturday, July 3, 2010

Captured Hearts, Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I didn't realize what Eragon meant until we got back to the cottage after school was out. I rang the bell to get someone to answer the door. Eventually, Autumn answered the door with her customary "Hi Abby.”

It was then I realized more people were in the front room than normal. I recognized Mrs. Mowry's voice. I wondered why on earth she'd be here, but was soon enlightened. A smooth female voice answered Mrs. Mowry. "Thank you for your hospitality." My interest was piqued. This must be Eragon's "companion" he had spoken about. My questions were soon answered by Mrs. Mowry who must have spotted me.

"Abby? Can you come over for a second?" I stepped over. "This is Arya, she's with Eragon." Mrs. Mowry informed, by way of introduction. I put out my hand in the general direction I thought Arya might be and found her hand. It was smooth and cool and she gripped firmly.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." she said carefully releasing my hand. We lapsed into silence and as it didn’t look like she was going to start off I asked, "So what grade are you in?”

"I am in the tenth grade." she answered without a flaw to her smooth wording. I wondered who her parents were; I couldn't imagine another smooth velvet voice like hers. My analysis of Arya was interrupted by the arrival of someone.
"Oh good, you found the place." said Eragon's voice from right beside Arya. It must have startled her too because she snapped an intelligible sound of annoyance.
"Don't do that!" she finally snapped.

"Sorry!” he responded. She muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "idiot.”

"I am not an idiot!" he said hotly. I listened as they fought with interest. What were they, really? From the sound of things, they were together, but I couldn't be sure and I wasn't about to ask one of them for fear of being perceived as a nosy snoot...
I was interrupted yet again by the doorbell right over my head. "Oww!" I yelled on reflex. I heard Jackie come in and go to the kitchen. I was about to leave when I heard Autumn say “Jackie, Jackie, Jackie!” very loudly.
She of course responded with “Autumn, Autumn, Autumn!” equally as loud. Even if it was strange, it did accomplish one thing. I realized the fight that was previously going on behind me had ceased. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I heard Eragon lean over and whisper in my ear.

“Are those two sane?”
I chuckled and replied. “Yes, it’s just one of those weird blind school things, you’ll get used to it.”

Autumn walked over to us and said, “Abby, can you show Arya to her room please? Dinner will be in 15 minutes.”

I agreed and turned in the direction to the hall while Automn turned to Eragon.
“Eragon, I know this is your first day here so if you are more comfortable staying nears someone you know, and then you can eat with us.” Autumn invited.

“He doesn’t have to.” said Arya earnestly.

“If that would be all right with you I would prefer to have dinner to meet more people and stay near Arya.” Was his swift answer.

Well, that answered the relationship question. Even so, I still wondered why they were so close and why they had come to the blind school together.

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